Sunup Solar

SunUp Solar develops & installs turnkey grid-tied solar electric systems allowing our customers to reduce their electric bills using solar power.

Our goal is to assist you with determining if solar is right for you. We will provide information on recommended system sizes, costs, rebates, tax incentives, and potential electricity savings from a solar electric system.

Please contact us today to take the first step toward going solar!

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We work to ensure you receive the best possible return on your solar investment with an in-person site survey and initial proposal outlining the details of the project.


No two projects are ever alike. Which is why each system is specifically
designed to meet your needs, the limitations of your building’s structure, and budget.


SunUp Solar provides various options to work within your budget. With the solar tax credit, 26% of all solar energy system installation costs are subtracted directly from your federal income tax payments!


We build our systems to last. Our team will carefully install the highest quality solar panels on your array with minimal disruption to your day-to-day operations.


SunUp Solar provides each new installation with a web-based application so that you can continually monitor your system output to ensure that it is performing at its optimal level.